The Sheltie Annual is a true labor of love for owner, Jen Milani. She combines over 20 years of design and photography driven by a passion to cultivate a better breed for tomorrow. Jen started in Shelties as a Junior Handler back in 1999 and has devoted her life to the breed ever since. She is an active member of the American Shetland Sheepdog Association and you can find her competing with her dogs all over the East Coast.
She is most known for her business, Showtime Design, where she has been campaigning and photographing some of America’s top dogs since 2003. It was only natural that she used her talents to create a magazine and calendar dedicated to preserving the breed she loves.
Many have said Jen has raised the bar for design and she feels lucky that she gets to do what she loves every day of her life.
“To be successful, the first thing to do is fall in love with your work.”